As previously mentioned, I wrote a million words of fiction last year. This came with some unenviable fall-out, as did previous versions of the challenge (both failed). Now I have a ton of words, spread across three different year directories, plus the stuff I wrote before I was crazy enough to try this; we’re talking …
I want to talk about a personal goal I had this year, the year I had, and those of you who were a part of the journey even if you didn’t quite realize it. You’ll have to bear with me — I’m sober as a judge but I tend to ramble. I’ve said a few …
I’m not even sure what to call this, since it isn’t National Novel Writing Month. BUT… in the interest of setting a goal, I’m going to do something like National Novel Writing Month, but in October. As mentioned, this time of year is very inspiring. So hopefully I can be inspired. September was a pretty …
We’re only two days in and I’m already off to a slow start. Hopefully a four day weekend can help me kick it off a bit better next week.
If I hit just under 5,000 words tomorrow, I will have hit 50,000 words in just ten days of writing on a new story. That’s a pretty amazing pace — a large chunk of which was that one holiday where I got over 10,000 words out. My average on the remaining days was over 4,000 …
Yesterday was a holiday, and I took full advantage of the day off. To the tune of writing over ten thousand words in one day. It wasn’t even a full day of writing, so I want to refer back to this whenever I have a slow day or a bad day, or I forget to …
I’ll be back next week with more of an update, but it’s time for the 2019 writing to start. I’m going to first go through my unmet goals from 2018 and work through those…
I’m going through some stuff and poking at it idly, but not really doing a lot of writing. That’s probably what I’ll do between now and Christmas: just idly work on polishing stuff, no hard goals.
(Somehow this got lost in the ether…) With three days to go, I’m two days worth of writing from completion, which is always a nice spot to find yourself. (Update, November 29: Did it.)
Less than a day behind now, heading into the home stretch.