Sprint 11 was the greatest success since Sprint 1. For Sprint 12 I will be looking to do more of the same: taking it easy and writing more on pens to see what works for me and doesn’t. Here’s to Sprint 12. I need to start naming these things again.
Goals Set, Goals Met. Everything is going swimmingly and I’ve reached that point where each success is merely fuel for the next success. Accomplishments are kind of like a garden: the seeds planted can turn out awesome if cultivated correctly.
The experiment in pen names is proving fruitful. I’ve fallen into a bit of a trap with, “Can I actually publish this?” The answer is: yes, but if I don’t put my name on it, I might take more chances.
Retro on Sprint 10: This was my most successful sprint since sprint 1 or 2. That’s a pretty big change over the course of really only two weeks. What I Did Well: I recognized that I was the problem, and made moves to correct that. I didn’t keep a good standup record, but I wrote …
A week in I’ve had my best week writing in a while. But I have not had much posting discipline — aside from the movie reviews. Think I’m going to let the sprint go on and keep my writing goals up and then work on the post goals later.
Clearly, when looking back over the pattern of posts I’ve made here, the number one issue I’m having with writing is focus and discipline. This sort of misbehavior spills over into almost everything I do, actually, which is something I have to hold myself accountable for. Writing this blog was meant to force me to …
All right this time we’re going to keep up with the stand-ups. I’m going to work on something set in the present-ish day.
I haven’t done anything this sprint. But yet somehow the lack of doing anything has made me want to do something, more than anything. Here’s to week 2 of the sprint being more productive than week 1. Also here’s to me making sure posts don’t disappear into the ether in the future.
I didn’t get as much done last time as I’d hoped, because I ended up working super hard at the day job then took a week off completely. Now, to kick off Sprint 8 (Horny Horny Hippo), my plan is to get back to the point of 1000 words of fiction a day, preferably fiction …
I just have to survive until the end of the day Thursday. Not much to report otherwise. Trying to do what I can but mostly interested in sliding on everything until that week and change off. Just… two… days…