Short update this week, hitting the high points: This movie isn’t terribly different in terms of content from the last. There’s a lot of infected and gore related to that. The virus is the same. In this sequel, they go back to England, re-introducing people to the island. Only, something happens, and now the infection …
Month: April 2020
But wait, that’s a zombie movie! Nope — these aren’t zombies. They are infected. With a virus. Which makes it qualify for this series. I like this movie, even though one of the first scenes is an odd dick-view. Do they leave people naked in English hospitals? The gist of the story, though: some enviro-nuts …
In Contagion, there is a novel virus spreading from Asia. It is partially sourced from bats, and it jumps to humans through improper handling of food. Stop me if you’ve heard this one. It also causes a global shut-down and the WHO cocks it up a bit. Sound familiar? This one is like our current …
Breaking from the B-movie routine to review a documentary The documentary Hoaxed has, in just the last few hours, been the subject of some controversy. Amazon, it seems, has taken it down without reason, justification, or notification. They’ve been taking away purchased digital access from customers without notice. This is highly unusual and I hope …
Outbreak is our first quarantine/plague-type movie. It’s also one of the least B-movies I’ve reviewed for a very long time, so I’m not on my best footing here. It’s got an all-star cast (Hoffman, Freeman, and Donald Sutherland, to start with), it was a big studio release, and a hit. The virus doesn’t quite fit …