Six went down in flames again. Seven is going to be all about trying to figure out what I can do to make myself better at this.
Ugh. Sprint 5 turned into a real downer with the issues I’ve had with WP. That being said, that’s my own fault. But, it didn’t end well. Sprint 6 is going to be about getting rid of WP and writing when I can. Here’s to Sprint 6, Flying Fartknocker.
Eager in the Romantic Sense Sprint 4 was another unbridled disaster, and there are two clear reasons for this aside from my own discipline and external factors: – A lack of daily responsibility – A lack of planning. This will not happen again, he claims unjustifiably. A big huge problem with my system lately is …
The last two days have been phenomenal successes. I’ve hit a third of my entire Sprint goal in two days.
This isn’t working. I’ve been trying to do a lot of free-style, “write what I want” seat of the pants stuff. It is blowing up in my face. I’ve also tried various changes to how I write to encourage myself to keep going, and so far nothing is doing. I think the next step is …
Total failure. No excuses. On to Spring 4, Dapper Dillhole.
I’ve hit my goal about 50-50 since the last update. It’s been extremely hectic and tiring lately. Onward and hopefully upward.
The first few days of the Sprint were a disaster; though I did get a ton done on a non-writing level over the weekend. On Monday (yesterday), I managed to hit over my daily goal; hopefully the same is true for today.
Crashed and burned. Did not carry the Sprint 1 momentum. On to sprint 3, Crazy-Ass Cricket.
I am woefully behind on standup and also on keeping up with my daily writing goals: I hit it Friday and Monday, but missed it on the weekend and will miss it today (Tuesday). I intend to hit the goal Wednesday and Thursday; Friday is iffy due to a lot of traveling.