Well, we’ve got about four hours left of the show and a ton of ground to cover. Here’s where we stand (so, spoilers, duh): The Night King is gone, and so is his army. Beric’s theory from last season was correct. Some folks died I didn’t expect (Edd, Lyanna Mormont, Beric), but for Edd it …
Month: April 2019
The fourth, final, and worst of the Jaws franchise. This is the worst movie in the franchise by far. This might end up being the worst movie I review in this series: next week I’m doing the Meg, which was pretty damned entertaining. This… this was hard to sit through. The things we do for …
Unless next week they show us Cersei and the southern half of the continent for the entire show, we should finally get the Battle of Winterfell next week. The battle hinted at since the first trailer. I’m more convinced than ever that a lot of people we like are going to die, and as many …
On vacation, still gotta update Jaws 2, too. This movie is great, and a lot hokier and B-movie-er than the other two. It’s really funny, and a couple of fairly decent actors turn in 80s 3D movie worthy performances. But since I’m on vacation and a Scotch regimen… Report Card: Running Time: An hour thirty-nine. …
Nothing really happened but setting up the pieces for the Battle of Winterfell. Waiting… waiting… still stand by my earlier ideas.
I hate to short-change a movie, but I’m short-changing Jaws 2 because I’ve got a plane to catch early tomorrow. This is a decent sequel and an above-average shark flick. I enjoyed it, and the scene where Brody thinks the swarm of fish are a shark is something I saw as a kid that stuck …
Here we go, so we’re having the final season finally. As usual I’ll make some predictions: – A lot of circular stuff. Martin is a big fan of this, as evidenced by what we know so far. For example, the things I expect: None of the main Lannisters are going to make it. Circles back …
The first movie in our new series: Shark movies! Jaws is a special one, too, since it’s the original summer blockbuster. All right, so here we go: Jaws. There’s a bit of a format change for this genre, since it isn’t straight up horror. Monster Type goes without saying: they’re all sharks. Also, violence goes …
The final movie in the Conjuring-and-Blumhouse modern horrors series: The Nun. It’s the only major title left off as of the time of this writing — I hit all the Paranormals and all the Insidiouses, all the Conjurings. Now for the one Nun. I’ll start out with the first note here: I could do with …
My April Goal is to do better than I did in February, when I hit 50+ thousand words.