One thing people sometimes do in the summer? They have sleepovers instead of just sleepaway camp. Now, I wasn’t sure about this movie at first, so I gave the Slumber Part Massacre Wikipedia page a read. Apparently this movie series (there are three) was exclusively directed by women, and this one was also written by …
Now, for something completely different… something completely out there… something unique that has caused me much joy and nearly as much damage… Yes, it’s time for a podcast review of My Dad Wrote a Porno. They’re back this Monday for Season 5 — that’s five of these filthy, misguided books they’ve read. The podcast is …
This is definitely one of the most favored summer activities of the Boomer generation: summer camps. Seriously, Boomers made a lot of movies about summer camps, glamorizing a lot of things that just didn’t often happen. But this movie is a cult icon, so how does it stack up? Now, we have to throw out …
Get this, and get it straight! Crime is a sucker’s road and those who travel it end up in the gutter, the prison, or the grave. There’s no other end… but they never learn! On this blog and through my writing I’ve shown an interest in some older fashion forms of entertainment. I like noir …
Well, I had to expand the definitions for the Bug movies, to include Slugs. But it was worth it, because despite being pretty gross, this was an irresistible movie with a familiar premise. The main gist is that slugs have been mutated by toxic waste (! our first straight-up toxic waste monster), and now they …
I’ve always been interested in Roman history, like a lot of people, and I enjoyed it back when the History Channel still regularly showed a lot of that sort of stuff — before they went full on World War 2 for a few years before becoming reality television. So what better way to hear about …
Well, that was different. Admittedly, I got a little tricked by the cover; the creature looks more bug-like than the movie implied for most of it, but toward the end, yep, that’s a big ol’ bug in space. I’m not sure how a (possibly?) person-bacteria hybrid starts to look like the Xenomorph crossbred with an …
When I was a wee lad, and I didn’t quite want to admit that wrestling was scripted, I absolutely hated this man. Which is good for him — Easy E was playing a villain, and the mark of a great heel in wrestling is that the fans don’t like him (unless they’re the contrarian types …
Wow. This movie isn’t great. It isn’t actively awful, but it isn’t really much of a horror movie or even a B-movie. The cover is a lie, too — there’s nothing about them preying on human flesh, like the roaches in our last bug movie. What a letdown this was. That said, I think most …
The last of the non-fiction podcasts, before I hit the fiction ones for a bit: Bill Bur’s Monday Morning Podcast. Like Joe Rogan, Bill Burr has been one of my favorite of his generation of comedians for years now. There’s been a good crop of people who have come about and brought around a second …