This movie sucks. I was fooled because Ray Wise is in it. It gets a report card and nothing else. 1. 28 Days Later 2. Contagion 3. Outbreak 4. 12 Monkeys 5. 28 Weeks Later … 12. Toxic Skies. 13. Pandemic Report card: Runtime: Ninety long minutes. Acting: Good to awful. Effects: Meh. Violence: Not …
I’m going to give this movie the review it deserves: this movie is ungodly stupid. Now, I was interested in this one for two reasons. One, it was an interesting premise: an outbreak… started by chemtrails. That’s an awesome idea, because that conspiracy theory is nuts. Two, Anne Heche is an actual famous person, so …
With Bonus Music! This movie review comes with a bonus synthwave song featuring a few lines from the film: Le Matos: 58 Minutes pour vivre. All right, so this isn’t quite the same as our other movies. We don’t see as much of the plague unraveling society, but we do see the horrible dystopian future …
But wait, that’s a zombie movie! Nope — these aren’t zombies. They are infected. With a virus. Which makes it qualify for this series. I like this movie, even though one of the first scenes is an odd dick-view. Do they leave people naked in English hospitals? The gist of the story, though: some enviro-nuts …
In Contagion, there is a novel virus spreading from Asia. It is partially sourced from bats, and it jumps to humans through improper handling of food. Stop me if you’ve heard this one. It also causes a global shut-down and the WHO cocks it up a bit. Sound familiar? This one is like our current …
Breaking from the B-movie routine to review a documentary The documentary Hoaxed has, in just the last few hours, been the subject of some controversy. Amazon, it seems, has taken it down without reason, justification, or notification. They’ve been taking away purchased digital access from customers without notice. This is highly unusual and I hope …
This movie starts out kind of weak, then really picks up, and then totally blows chunks at the end. The concept is neat, but they made a few decisions toward the end that were either a) absolutely mind-numbingly dumb, or b) hilariously dumb (her rolling herself down the pier). Also, there’s a big flaw in …
Despite the reviews, this movie is pretty good, one of the best Witchy type movies I’ve watched: it will probably end up in the top half of the thirteen, which is pretty good for one of the worst Blumhouse movies I’ve seen. I’ll address that first. This movie was one of the least scary horror …
As far as I am aware, this movie stands alone — no sequels, prequels, or remakes (yet). Before we get to the brief review and then the report card, I’ll hit up what I wrote down: – “What is with the audio?” Yeah, I’m not sure if it was a streaming issue, but the sound …
Yikes. This movie is also bad. I wrote “This sucks” during the movie, then came back and underlined it. That is about the summary it deserves. I also wrote, “The story is so stupid! But the acting is worse!” I don’t remember if I wrote that all at once, or just continued my thought. There …